When first formulating a shaving soap for the Fine brand, I set out with the singular purpose of matching the legendary lathering performance of Tabac. After unsuccessful attempts to work with just about every large soap producer in the US, I eventually expanded my search to Europe, where, to my surprise, I found I could actually procure the same soap base used by Tabac! Not long after, Fine Classic Shaving soap was born.
Today, it's my sad duty to report that the corporate owners of the proud, century-old factory that produced our soap base recently saw fit to permanently close the facility and recycle their machinery for scrap. The obvious result of this circumstance is that Fine Classic Shaving Soap can no longer be produced and must be discontinued.
Thankfully, this news did not come as a complete surprise, so I do expect to have a rather incredible replacement soap available around year-end. But in the meantime, the remaining stock of Fine Classic Shaving Soap is available only while supplies last.
Multiple fragrances are already sold out, so don't miss this last opportunity to add a classic to your shave den!